The weather has been unusually cold here. Ok, not so unusual but I still don't like it. It's the kind of cold that prevents me from requesting that the boys hang outside all afternoon to play.
So in lieu of continuously thawing frozen body parts I gathered a whole bunch of Dragon things and laid them out on our kitchen table and let the boys go nuts.

The boys had lots of dragon math and dragon reading and dragon language arts to keep them busy in between dragon colouring and other hands of activities.
Speaking of hands on activities.....
Gather the following....

Corn Starch, Water and Food Colouring and make Dragon Drool.
Cover your tabletop and back away...... it's gonna get messy......

Dragon Drool is MESSY.... I cannot tell a lie.... but the boys did clean up afterwards.... for the next three days.....
Honestly, that corn starch leaves a film.... wipe after wipe..... sheesh. The boys did have fun so it was all worth it.

Daxter demonstrating how to hold a sword correctly to slay a dragon.....

We made Dragon Eggs..... two eggs and vinegar..... simple, but F.U.N....

The vinegar (an acid) dissolves the egg shell leaving the membrane intact.... COOL!
We did this project a couple of years ago, but it was just called 'put an egg in vinegar and see what heppens...'
Call them Dragon Eggs and you have a whole new interest!
We took the eggs out of the vinegar each day to feel them....
Here they are after one week.

Compared to a fresh egg.... this one was from the same dozen.. look how much the the Dragon Eggs swelled without their shell.
The boys also painted their own dragon figurines.....

I love the attention to detail :)

The boys have not yet finished their figurines yet as they wanted to add some details after the first coat.... will post pics of the their finished creations later.......